News ¶
Additional funding secured ¶
Thanks to the “Swiss Open Research Data Grants” (CHORD) program organized by swissuniversities and the ETH Board, we have received additional funding for our project 'Promoting Open Research Data practice for genetic diversity (meta)datasets (GenDiB-ORD)'.
Interactive Map ¶
The updated version of our interactive map is now online!
As a proof of concept, we collect published and unpublished data on intraspecific genetic diversity in Switzerland, based on literature searches and personal inquiries. We standardize the metadata of these studies and make this information freely available in an interactive map of Switzerland.
Publications ¶
In Newsletter 175 (December 2023) of the Informationsdienst Biodiversität Schweiz we report on GenDiB.
The KBNL magazine N&L Inside informs about topics in nature and landscape conservation. In issue 02/2023, we report in detail on our GenDiB project.
Buser C, Mosimann M, Iosifescu-Enescu I, Woodcock S, Gugerli F 2023. Nutzen einer nationalen Datenbank zur innerartlichen genetischen Vielfalt für die Naturschutzpraxis. N & L inside 2/23: 33–40.
Additional publications:
Leigh DM, Vandergast AG, Hunter ME, Crandall ED, Funk WC, Garroway CJ, Hoban S, Oyler-McCance SJ, Rellstab C, Segelbacher G, Schmidt C, Vázquez-Domínguez E, Paz-Vinas I. Best practices for genetic and genomic data archiving. Nat Ecol Evol (2024).
Stakeholder Workshop ¶
At the beginning of the GenDiB project, we conducted a feasibility study and a needs assessment, which was launched in November 2022 with a first workshop with researchers and stakeholders. A central topic was the evaluation of how GenDiB can be optimally integrated into the existing network of biodiversity databases. Interoperability and networking with existing Swiss data centres and databases, as well as compatibility with metadata from other databases, were the main focus.